We implemented new functions to the Carranza Bridge opening and closing manoeuvre control system
This week we are carrying out functional modifications to the control system responsible for the opening and closing manoeuvre of the José León de Carranza Bridge, with the aim of continuing to optimise its overall operation. One of the modifications we are executing will allow the creation of reports and graphs of the trends of the manoeuvres. In other words, a centralised database of historical data on opening and closing.
This and other modifications started this Wednesday and are expected to be ready for testing between today and tomorrow. The tests are being carried out at night, as there is less car traffic. It should be noted that more than ten thousand vehicles pass over the Carranza Bridge every day.
By the end of 2021 we have already modernised the electrical and control system that governs the bridge’s manoeuvres; the reform of the engineering and control logic has allowed us to correct and improve the execution of the manoeuvre, considering parameters such as opening and closing time, speed, among others. It is a system based on integral redundancy so that any failure does not prevent the correct development of the manoeuvre in question.